Death's Door review

Death’s Door is a game in the action-adventure genre that has been developed by Acid Nerve and released in July of 2021. This game immediately received numerous positive reviews and those who are interested in playing it can download Death’s Door for PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. In this review, you can find out more about its features and peculiarities.


The first thing to discuss is the gameplay of Death Door. In the game, you have to play as the reaper crow that works in the office dealing with afterlife matters. As part of the storyline, the goal of a player is to get through dungeons and make sure to collect the so-called Giant Souls necessary for opening Death’s Door. As the game progresses, you have to defeat various beasts using magic, arrows, and different weapons. It is possible to customize your character and gain important abilities that will help you in battles.
Besides dealing with game deaths, you will have to solve puzzles and get through different locations with interesting twists and turns. As you play, you will be able to find collectible items that can bring health and other valuable things. The game doesn’t end with you defeating the ultimate boss and the next thing you have to do is have fun solving various puzzles.


When it comes to the visual content, the game is absolutely beautiful and fits its theme. There is an intentional bleakness to the graphics, which makes the visuals look like you are truly entering the past. The game offers you interesting lands to explore, including flooded ruins, mysterious mansions, graveyards, and more. The game excels at creating a haunting atmosphere thanks to the combination of the color palette, graphics, subtle music, and sounds.

Replay Value 

Those who enjoyed the game should definitely play it more than once. While the missions and the storyline won’t change, it is possible for you to choose other weapons and thus bring some diversity to your gaming experience. Also, the game has plenty of secrets, and it’s more than likely that you will have to come back to it again to find them all.


Controls are not an issue in this game and don’t require you to be a masterful gamer. Regardless of the experience, the game is easy to get into, and it uses a basic set of buttons for weapons, attacks, and movement. It definitely won’t take a long time before you feel confident while playing the game.

Gorgeous game with plenty of secrets

Death’s Door is an excellent game that should be on the list of every Zelda fan or anyone who appreciates games in this genre. The game provides you with its unique world filled with secrets and mysterious locations, which makes it immensely fun to explore. Death’s Door is challenging in the right way and has excellent combat mechanics, so it’s not surprising that the game received so many positive reviews.


  • Beautiful and fitting graphics and audio
  • Unique characters and concept
  • Convenient controls
  • Offers a sufficient level of complexity


  • Navigation seems tedious at times
  • The ultimate villain could be more challenging

Graphics 10

Gameplay 9

Controls 10

Replay Value 8

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